Saturday, December 6, 2008

Deal or No Deal: Subconscious pacts with God

"Just because you choose to do things for God does not mean you will get any special protection." Now, although I doubt few would disagree with this statement, I believe it is incompatible with many Christians' worldview. Let me show you why.

How many of us find ourselves reacting this way to tragedies:"How could you let this happen to me God?" We somehow think that we have been wronged. We think that God (who could have averted the crisis) didn't prevent it - and He did something wrong!

Now you might say: "Hey, its just a human emotional reaction. We blame God because He's supposed to be loving us, and it feelslike He didn't love us because of His inaction." Well, that's true, but there's even more to it than that. Imagine that a couple moves to an impoverished urban area because, they say, "God has given us a clear calling to be here." But just after they move down there, the mother and father are shot and the child is left an orphan. What would your reaction be? You might say, "That's not fair, God! How could you call them to a place where you knew they were just going to get killed?"

We have a sense of justice, and when we feel it has been violated, it seems like God did something unfair.

And that's my point. We believe that when we obey God's "specific, direct will for our lives" then things have to work out well (for the kingdom or for our family). I mean, isn't that the whole point?

But even if you don't subscribe to the "God has a specific plan for your life" idea, you probably still get upset when you hear the story about the orphan. "The people were trying to do your work, and you didn't offer any protection, God." As we think deeper we realize we have a subconscious pact with God: "I try my best to obey your will, and you watch my back."

Think of these statements. You've probably either said them or heard someone say something like them ...

"We waited to have sex till we were married, and now we can't have kids, but other teenagers who shoot up on heroin have sex with a stranger and get pregnant! That's just so wrong."

"I spent money and time to go on a short terms mission trip and I got malaria and missed my final exams. Its not right!"

"We went to serve God with our time and energy by going to seminary and we lost our faith. How could God let that happen? Couldn't He have sent the right person along to say just the thing we needed to hear?"

"He never smoked or drank, and he was very healthy and fit, and yet he got cancer at such an early age. It's so unfair."

"Look at that guy, he is dishonest and selfish and yet he totally gets ahead in life. He gets scholarships, recognized in academy, church, society at large. How is it fair that the self-centered get ahead?"

This is the point. Yes, weu agree that life happens. Yes, we agree that bad things happen to good people. We even agree that the rotten scum of the earth get away with murder, extortion, rape and all sorts of awful things. But its like these facts haven't sunk in! We react against God's justice when tragedy strikes. Why? Because the point that "we are not exempt from the trials of this world" is just a creedal statement hanging on our mental wall, rather than a conviction buried in our bones.

Think about it. If you 'sacrificed' your money to do God's will by giving to the poor, but God was actually going to supply you with a car when you needed it as a reward - it wouldn't really be a sacrifice. If you courageously went to the mission field where their was danger of physical violence and disease, but you expected God to protect you from the dangers - then there actually isn't any courage required is there? But that's the thing. You are sacrificing, and you are being courageous because God is not like the government. The major corporations may be able to make any decisions they want without fear of consequences because they can rely on a government bail out - but that just isn't the case with Christians. You are actually going to need the virtues spoken of so highly in the gospel. You are going to need faith alright, faith that the cause is worth it when your life shatters and you feel yourself 'dying daily.'

But that's the irony. This death brings a new kind of life, a new energy, a new purpose. We need to lose that other life, let go of it. We may suffer and even die, but its okay. With this attitude, we will find new life.

Have you made any unspoken "pacts" with God?

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